Beschneidung, lass Dich beschneiden, alles Über Beschneidung, Zirkumzision, Beschneidung beim Mann,Du bist beschnitten? Nirgendwo anders findest Du so viele schwule beschnittene Typen wie im Cutting Club. Außerdem: Bildergalerien, Treffen, Partys, Chats u.v.m.

Cutting Club
Member Search Searchbot Media Exchange Magazine

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Nowhere in Europe you can find more cut guys:
4878 Cut Guys!
6730 Cutting Ads!
114276 Gallery Pictures!
1617 Videos!

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NEW Cutting Stars
Justin Kirk
(Angles in America','Weeds') is cut!
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[Jealous of the circumcised boys]
Erotic StoryNEW Erotic Story
[In the French dunes ...]
Dr. CutterNEW Dr. Cutter
[Help, my penis is smaller since circumcision!]
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Cut bot?
Save yourself hours of searching for circumcised guys in other ad markets - our search bot scours the internet every day and spits out all the new personal ads of circumcised men from your region! But you can also draw attention to yourself by placing a free personal ad in the search bot.
EURO CIRC publishes leaflets on foreskin circumcision
All leaflets are aimed at men and parents as aid in the decision-making process and can be downloaded free of charge.
We also highly welcome your contribution to discussions! Simply use your Cutting Club member name and password to log into the EURO CIRC forum. [here]
Cut? We are!
You too? Cutting Club
- the Club for Cut Guys

Hose geschnitten, Penis beschnitten *G*
NEW  Hose geschnitten, Penis beschnitten *G* [here]
NEW 333 stars with 4400 new, big images
are now available, thanks to our three dedicated volunteers. Thank you very much! Help expand our collection by uploading missing Cutting Stars. All images are displayed in large (HQ). [here]
NEW Our websites are now SSL-protected.

Your data is securely encrypted while surfing. You can recognize the encryption by the lock symbol in the address bar of your browser.
NEW Pay with EPC-QR-Code
Simply scan the QR code with your banking app. No more tedious and annoying typing of bank details, typos are practically eliminated. [here]
The CC logo winner has been determined!
The logo with the two opposing letters "C", symbolizing a glans in frontal view, won with 29.6%!
The new logo not only shows the initials of the Cutting Club in a modern design, but is also an allusion to our common theme, namely the free glans. Click on the logo for the result!
We have converted all Flash videos to HTML 5 format, so that they can be played in all browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Edge etc.) without additional software.
Have fun with the guaranteed foreskin-free videos ;-)
XXX Content: The free age verification system
now supports 39 countries. Just type the numbers from your ID.
Alternatively: PREMIUM membership without proof of age when paying via PayPal, because only adults get a PayPal account.

25% discount for
PREMIUM members:

[Circumcision Advisor]